April 15, 2005

His Psychic Heart Reaches Out To Us

"The Best 90 Minutes Of My Life" by Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth in the latest issue of Wired Magazine. Now, here's a subject and author that blindsided me in my quest for uber-cool geekdom. Having made numerous bedroom anthologies myself, I was engulfed immediately. The end of the article mentions the book being released in May. Looking online, I found the original publishing date of November, 2004. That bit of info coming from a dot-co-dot-uk site, I'm thinking it was released in Europe first. What I don't know is whether or not one version has more than the other. The internet has enabled everyone everywhere with a computer and access to get any version of anything they want. Before I buy one or the other, I'd like to find out if there is a significant difference. Either way, the book will be mine.
(more to come later)