November 08, 2001

he didn't show up with any doughnuts. i must eat mr.goodbar now.

that's $1.75 fast, $1.75 fast.

i should start bringing my digi-cam to work. there are a lot of images here that should be captured on disc. this guy steve is gonna show up with donuts soon. i need some breakfast. it will help me surf better. yeah, thats gonna be cool...

November 07, 2001

i am an internet junkie. i just spent a buttload of hours on the web. it is my best friend. with a setup like this, you cannot go wrong.
the sun is coming up. i wish i could do this all the time. at least, for the eight hours i do it a night, i'm getting paid. you're just jealous.
i don't think anybody is reading this.

the truth is a virus.

my views on the military. part one. (this applies mostly to my line of work, not the entire military)

unless someone has a gun to your head, don't take anything too seriously.
as long as the job gets done right, fuck it, you're on salary, do what you like.
i've made it this far, got promoted and still haven't changed.

)))more to come(((

i can't say i've never got a golf cart stuck in the rocks anymore. i was just trying to turn around on a hill. the donuts i did were cool.

my job is so hard.

November 06, 2001

i must have been dreaming, i swear i bitched about my home life yesterday on here...

i guess its better that it "disappeared"

a friend of mine gave me blues travelers "straight on till morning" album. plus getting my other cd's back yesterday, life is good...