März 19, 2005


Guess who I just saw in concert? That's fuckin' right, I saw motherfuckin' W I L C O!!! And yes, they were fucking awesome!!!

März 18, 2005

(didn't know I was) unamerican

Hell, I (didn't know I was) unamerican either. Wow.

März 17, 2005



Good news from the New York Times yesterday. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Tuesday that he aimed to begin withdrawing Italy's 3,000 troops from Iraq by September, in a signal that the domestic cost of loyalty to the United States over the war was growing too high... Britain's objective should be to achieve the withdrawal of British forces by the expiration date of the U.N. mandate which ends in December 2005... Poland, another important European ally, has announced it will withdraw several hundred of its 1,700 troops in July with the intent of leaving entirely around the start of the new year. The Netherlands and Ukraine have both begun withdrawing their combined 2,900 troops or plan to do so...
There's more to it than that, obviously. The coalition of the willing is getting smaller and smaller. Pretty soon, we'll be all that's left.

März 15, 2005

Going back to the $9.55 an hour program I mentioned months ago. I started a Yahoo group called steal_this_zine and then proceeded to neglect it. I did have the motivation to start it, I just didn't promote it like I should have. I was the only member and one other person, for reasons unexplained, could not log onto Yahoo from their computer. Now, I'd like to start an e-mail newsletter along the same lines. I have started a list of core members that will be receiving the initial release. From there, it will be tweaked using inputs from readers and anything learned up until release number two. The technology used will most likely be somewhat primitive and grow as new things are learned and suggestions are implemented. It will involve the trinity that has got the author to this point in his life. The trinity consists of music, politics and literature. More to come on this when this Spain trip comes to an end. It's fun but there are more important things to tend to back home in Germany.

For a first world nation, Spain doesn't seem to take care of itself as well as I thought it would. The inner cities are well taken care of as far as I can tell. The highways seem to be neglected the most. Riding down the Autovon I see trash on both sides. Maybe I'm just in a lesser populated area. Here is a country that would benefit from a program like Adopt-A-Highway. Not that Spains tourism industry is hurting right now or anything. I bet anyone could make a killing by starting a highway beautification company. All you need is a truck and some friends, I imagine. I won't be here long enough to make a difference like that. Maybe I should find a penpal here and let the seed grow from there. It is a beautiful country regardless.

März 13, 2005

((((((((((((((((((((( important )))))))))))))))))))))

I have a problem with staying on one project for an extended amount of time. I can't sit down and finish a book. I can't stick with my website or yahoo group for more than an hour at a time. I blame my short attention span (and some of you already know where this is headed) on the American culture. I've read numerous papers on flash ads and jolts in advertising and television programming. I have avoided TV for quite some time now, but I can't seem to wean myself from the internet. The web has picked up the jolt concept from television. I do have a pop-up blocker and tweak xp keeping most of the "distractions" off my screen. I want to start an e-mail newsletter but I think I might just adjust my blogspot to give it the appearance of a zine. Maybe that's just my laziness shining through. I'm going to go finish a book or something now, though...