Mai 13, 2004

RANDOM RECORD REVIEW Corrosion Of Conformity - America's Volume Dealer
I realize that this album was released in 2000. Expecting an aural assault, sadly, I was let down. Apparently the band has let themselves be tainted by the nu-metal crap. When did they go soft? I know Technocracy and Blind were still heavy, but it was still popular to be yourself back then. I'm not even going to justify this album with a track by track analysis. I guess if you want to sell records for profit, you have to go with the flow. The same thing happened to Mushroomhead (more on that later). And don't even think of using age as a factor, because Slayer is still reigning in blood. Let me know when COC goes "back to their roots" because I could go for some dark thoughts on this poison planet...